
    "As ravening hordes of demons plague Sanctuary, some heroes choose to forgo all companionship and stand alone against the forces of evil. While they find solace in solitude and their bravery cannot be questioned, these lone wolves are often bestowed with titles that will echo into eternity: Corpse. Carcass. Food for Crows."




     in Diablo III, going it alone is a valid option... but it’s not always the safest one. Having a brave companion at your side might not save you from the tearing claws of your enemies, but it can’t hurt to improve your odds.Fortunately, there are others in Sanctuary willing to risk life and limb to strike out at the nightmares sweeping the land - non-player characters that we call followers who’ll accompany you on your journey and join you into battle.


diablo IIIfollower暗黑破壞神3

     You'll meet and recruit three followers in Diablo III: the Templar, Kormac, a hulking, spear-wielding warrior following a harsh and unyielding code of ethics; the Scoundrel, Lyndon, a roguish wanderer with a crossbow and a knack for getting into trouble; and the Enchantress, Eirena, a conduit for sorcerous forces capable of empowering you and confusing your enemies.

     These heroes aren’t hidden off the beaten path; their stories entwine with yours, and you’ll encounter them all as you traverse the lands of Sanctuary.


    Each follower has his or her own agenda and reasons for fighting against the darkness, and you’ll learn more about their histories and motives as you battle alongside them..


     Your followers are skilled warriors in their own right, so it’s only proper that they grow in power as they’re pitted against increasingly deadly foes. They’ll gain experience as you fight together, change visually as you provide them with new equipment, and you'll be able to choose new skills for them as they level up.


    Only one follower can accompany you at a time, so you’ll want to choose carefully. Though each follower has skills to complement any play style or class, they also possess very different areas of expertise.


  For example, the Enchantress can learn to create illusions to draw enemy fire away. The Templar can master the ability to intimidate his foes, slowing them when they close in combat. The Scoundrel can learn to use blinding powder, which can distract enemies or make them easier targets.


    Followers act on their own and the skills you select for them will dictate their behavior in combat. They can also equip a variety of items and weapons, including several unique to their class.


diablo III 暗黑暗黑三

     Followers are powerful allies in Diablo III. They’ve got skills, gear, levels, personalities and dialogue, and we’ve put a lot of work into the system -- but our goal is to ensure they don't get in your way, outpace you in damage, or outshine your importance to the story. They’re the sidekicks. You’re the hero.

     追隨者是暗黑破壞神3裡強力的盟友。他們的技術,裝備,等級,性格和對話,是我們投入許多努力的系統 —— 但是我們的目標是保證他們不會超越你,不會把你甩在後面,或奪去你在故事裡的重要性。他們是你的好幫手。而你才是真正的英雄。

     When they’re getting clawed to shreds or gored by demonic spines in your stead, make sure you remind them of that.




    Who are the followers?

    You will encounter three followers on your journey in Sanctuary; the Templar, the Enchantress, and the Scoundrel. The Templar is a heavily armored, tough character that can be specced into a very aggressive damage absorption role or into a supportive healing role. The Enchantress tends to be focused on ranged DPS but can also be specced into a player enhancement role. The Scoundrel is a throwback to the rogue of the original Diablo -- a conventional ranged character who uses crossbows but also has more damage options and some light crowd control.


    你會在庇護所的旅途中遇到三名追隨者;聖殿騎士,女巫和惡棍。聖殿騎士是重型護甲,強壯的角色,他們扮演的傷害吸收或者支援型治療角色。女巫則是主要為遠程輸出,也可以扮演輔助的角色。惡棍則是暗黑破壞神裡浪人(Rogue)的再版 —— 以弩為武器的普通的遠程角色,但也可以選擇是作為傷害輸出或是輕型群體控制。

    How do the followers differ from the hirelings we saw in Diablo II?

    In Diablo II, the hirelings were fairly generic, but the followers are specific characters with their own storylines, their own personalities, and their own place within the world. Overall, the followers are also more customizable; you can itemize them and choose from a variety of skills to augment your playstyle.



    What do the followers have to do with the story of Diablo III?

    The followers act as your companions in the world, rather than as pets. While the followers are not core story characters, they enhance the story elements of the game. They give us opportunities to have a character provide background about the world flavored with his or her own personality.



    How will the game be balanced around the followers?

    The followers won't be a massive part of game balance. They're there to make the single-player, normal difficulty experience feel more cooperative and to aid in enhancing the story. These factors lose some importance in multiplayer and in the higher difficulty settings of the game, and as such, the followers won't be as relevant there.



    How will you find the followers?

    Players will encounter the followers in the world during their journey through Sanctuary. Each follower is a part of the main story arc and has a different story and background. Players will feel that followers have a role in the world; that they're in Sanctuary fighting evil alongside the heroes.

    Each follower has his or her own introductory quest where players learn a little bit about who each one is and where they come from. We don't want players to encounter them and feel obligated to do some task for them so they like you -- it's more that you’ll encounter them and they fight alongside you and you gain each other's trust. They're on the same path that you are; they're other adventurers that you encounter as you battle through Sanctuary. Followers don't divert from the main story path, they're an integral part of it.



    每個追隨者都有他們的人物介紹,讓玩家們瞭解到他們的背景和來歷。我們不希望玩家們和他們戰鬥,並為他們完成任務之後和你一樣 —— 而是你遇到他們之後並肩作戰,並逐漸互相瞭解和信任。他們和你有著共同的目標,他們是你在征戰庇護所世界裡遇到的其他勇者。追隨者不會改變遊戲主線,他們只是支線。

    What are some follower characteristics?

    Our goal was to make each follower distinct from the others. We’ve put in hours of voice work with individual casting for them, giving each Follower a unique personality. The Templar order is a new group that we're introducing as part of the Diablo universe; they have their own agenda, they're not paladins, and they have a different belief system and code of ethics that they follow. The Scoundrel is called a Scoundrel for a reason, he's a bit of a lighter character with a humorous but dark side and he emits a feel that is very different from the Templar who is more of a pure and good character. The Scoundrel resembles more of an underhanded rogue. We want people to choose their follower as often based on personality as they do based on which abilities they like the most -- if people do that then we'll feel like we were successful in building them.


    我們的目標是讓每個追隨者都有明顯的不同。我們在配音上面就花了不少功夫,給了追隨者們獨特的個性。聖殿騎士是我們暗黑破壞神世界的一個全新小組;他們有著自己的發展歷史,他們不是聖騎士,卻有著自己的信仰和守則。惡棍之所以被叫做惡棍是有原因的,他其實是個富有幽默感的正派角色,但卻又黑暗的一面,他帶給玩家的感覺會和完全正派的聖殿騎士非常不同。我們想讓玩家根據自己的性格來選擇追隨者,並根據追隨者的性格設計了技能 —— 如果玩家能有這種感覺,我們就覺得我們就成功了。

    How can you customize your followers?

    Each follower will have 12 total skills, and players will have to choose which 4 skills from that pool to use, with new skills unlocking at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20. Players will also be able to equip various items to their followers -- there are two weapon slots, rings, amulets, and a unique class item available for each one. As followers level up, they’ll also advance visually, becoming more powerful looking.

    每個追隨者共有12種技能,玩家必須選擇其中4種技能讓追隨者學習並使用,而這些追隨者在 5、10、15、20 級的時候,都可以從三個技能中選擇一個來學習。玩家還可以裝備各種物品,來強化他們的追隨者 - 有兩個插槽的武器,戒指,護身符,以及獨特的物品項目各一個。隨著追隨者裝備水平的提高,他們在視覺上看起來也會變得更加強大。

    What can you say about the follower skills?

    The skills are awesome, and they make for really great choices. Each of the skills that players have to choose from are competitive at their level. The goal was to make the followers' skills, in normal difficulty, enhance the player's choices about his or her playstyle. If you're playing a barbarian and you've got the Templar, you don't need him to absorb physical damage for you -- you won’t need a charge ability, you'll want the Templar to take an ability that's more healing based. We want to make sure that each follower has a few different things that they can offer each class so you can customize each follower to match and augment your playstyle.


    他們的技能很棒,而且選擇也不錯。根據他們的等級玩家可以選擇他們的技能。目標是在普通難度下,讓追隨者們的技能來輔助玩家的玩法和風格。比如你是個野蠻人,你完全不需要聖殿騎士當坦克吸收傷害 —— 所以你不需要衝鋒技能,你會選擇聖殿騎士來作治療。我們希望每種追隨者都有多種技能提供給不同的職業選擇,並讓追隨者成為你的個性化的玩法的一部分。

    What happens when your follower dies?

    When your follower loses too much health, they will go out of commission for a brief period of time. When they are out of commission, you'll lose their benefits temporarily, and then they'll rejoin the battle with you. You won't need to go back to town to have them rejoin you.



    How do you access the followers once they've joined you on your journey?

    The followers will stay with you as long as you want or until you dismiss them. Currently you’ll need to head into town to change them or pick them up.



    How do you level up a follower?

    We don't consider the level up process for followers to be part of what you do with them. The followers will stay within your level range whether you quest with them or not. We don't want you to have to go back to a low-level area to let your followers catch up to your level .



    Will you be able to control the followers?

    No, we've avoided pet and follower commands as they added unnecessary micromanagement to the game.

